Myth Busters – uPVC Windows and Doors

uPVC Windows and Doors

With the overall popularity of uPVC windows these days, there are also numerous myths doing the rounds alongside. Let’s have a look at some of the myths & try to find out the truth for those who still have doubts about the advantages of uPVC doors and windows.

uPVC Doors and Windows Need Regular Maintenance

Reality: They do not need varnishing and repainting like their wooden counterparts & stay as new for years. Besides, they are low maintenance and can be cleaned by just washing them.

They are Expensively Reached to Wooden and Aluminium Doors and Windows

Reality: They might seem expensive originally due to high-end fittings, but since uPVC has a longer lifespan than aluminium doors and windows, they tend to be cheaper & cost-effective in the long run.

They Fade or Discolour Very Efficiently and Soon

Reality: uPVC doors and windows are manufactured to withstand excessive weather conditions; hence, they do not fade away or turn yellow & can last for 30‑40 years.

They are Not Environment Friendly

Reality: On the opposite, uPVC can be recycled multiple times, making them readily usable for a long time. Old products can be safely recycled into good quality new doors and windows.

They are not Fired Safe and Are Flammable

Reality: Various studies have confirmed that compared to other building materials, uPVC provides enough time to vacate a building before the release of harmful gases during its burning. It is a fire retardant & therefore a safe material for use in doors and windows.

They are not as Appealing Look-Wise

Reality: They are available in a various range of colors, styles and finishes to completely suit the décor of your home or office & make it look modern and stylish.

White uPVC Windows and Doors Turn Yellow with Time

Reality: Since uPVC is designed to resist harsh weather conditions, i.e., heat & cold, they DO NOT turn yellow with time and remain new for years.

uPVC Doors and Windows Need Entire Frames to Be Replaced Even for Small Repairs

Reality: In fact, they are quite low maintenance & easy to repair. Opening sashes, gaskets and hardware, almost everything can be repaired without removing/replacing the outer frame.

UV Rays Degrade uPVC and Emit Toxic Gases

Reality: Almost all uPVC doors and windows are specially formulated to withstand UV radiation & DO NOT emit any toxic gases during their lifetime. They are completely safe to use.

They are Not Sturdy

Reality: uPVC is manufactured to be sturdy & durable. They can withstand extreme weather conditions & can last for as long as 30-plus years.

uPVC Causes Condensation in Homes

Reality: It’s not the use of uPVC but the absence of circulation of air that causes condensation. Since uPVC doors and windows are designed to fill your house to provide insulation properties, it is advised to allow some air flow to bypass condensation.

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