Okna uPVC Windows – The Energy Efficient Solution

Okna uPVC Windows – The Energy Efficient Solution

uPVC windows can dramatically enhance the energy efficiency of your home.
The low conductivity of uPVC as a material, the tight seals uPVC windows deliver & the ease with which they can be fabricated for double & triple glazing, make uPVC an excellent choice in energy-efficient buildings.
PVC doesn’t conduct heat well and therefore doesn’t transfer temperatures from inside to outside, or outside to inside. Next time you are about an aluminium framed window, put your hand on the frame & feel its temperature.

uPVC is the material most widely used for windows across Europe & the US where the focus on energy-efficient buildings began about 30 years ago.
Up to 70% of heat is achieved or lost via standard 3mm window panes and even more, is lost with heat transfer via metal frames. In winter, a single-glazed, 3mm-deep pane of glass can lose from ten to 15 times better heat than an insulated wall of the same area. In summer, single glaze standard windows of an intermediate home account for over 25% of total heat gain.
Double glazing your windows is said to enhance thermal resistance by 94%. The air pocket created between the two glass panes delivers an insulating barrier, keeping the outside heat out & regulating your interior temperature.
Installing new double-glazed units is recommended when you are doing a significant renovation and/or extension and are looking for high quality, well-sealed product.
It’s an easy goal in modern-day home life … keep cool in the summer & warm in the winter.
Keeping warm in winter: By cutting the transfer of heat from the warm inside to the cold side of the window, uPVC windows will greatly reduce the loss of heating warmth in cold weather & reduce the energy required to heat interior spaces.

Keeping cool in summer: Cooling a home in summer can use up to three times the energy needed to heat it in winter. Installing double-glazed uPVC window frames can keep you cooler in summer by decreasing solar heat gain from outside. And in the evenings, the openable Tilt and Turn window system allows you to take benefit of natural cross ventilation to cool the home.
They are proven performers in lowering energy consumption for heating and cooling and consequently, over their whole life cycle, can decrease greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 48-61% compared with aluminium framed windows.
Using double glazed uPVC windows will therefore make a useful contribution to lowering India’s greenhouse emissions & lowering your energy bills!